People (CRM)

Import Member Anniversary Dates

How to import your members Anniversary Dates into their profiles.

Import Anniversary Dates


We've added the ability to import anniversary dates. From your admin dashboard go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> Import



Next, you'll click Choose File, to select a CSV file from your computer and then click Upload.



You will then match all the fields from the CSV file you're uploading and now see an option for Member Since/Anniversary to select. If the default format matches how it's formatted on your CSV file then no additional action is needed. Otherwise, you can add additional format(s) to be able to successfully import the Anniversary date.



Next, you'll want to run a test to confirm everything will import correctly by selecting the Test / Examine button. Once it is confirmed that the mapping is correct you will select Run import.



The last step is to check the box I understand the above warnings and select Execute Import. You have now imported Member Anniversary Dates



As always, please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. 

Category > Section:Business Management >People (CRM)