
How to Enable Virtual/Online Classes

Setup virtual classes or appointments with zoom

Run Virtual Classes With Zoom From Your Hive


In this support article we'll go over the steps on how to enable Zoom as well as set up the virtual class type from your admin dashboard. If you don't already have a zoom account, you can visit to get set up.


Configuring Zoom Account

In order to use zoom with your hive, you will need to setup passwords/api keys on your zoom account. You will need to create a "Server-to-Server OAuth" App and a "Meeting SDK" App using your zoom login.

To access zoom settings, go to Settings -> Virtual Class/Appointment Settings

"Server-to-Server OAuth" App on Zoom

First, let's create the "Server-to-Server OAuth" App. This one lets the Hive create a meeting on your zoom account, so that it can be joined by you/staff and the attendees.

Go to , if you aren't logged in you will need to login to your zoom account first and then return to that link.

Select Create under "Server-to-Server OAuth"

Fill in the App Name with anything you'd like, we recommend "FitHive Integration" just so you remember what it is for.

Next fill out the information for the App. We have provided some recommendations for what to put in, however you can choose what to put in as it won't affect you being able to use it.

Next you will need to set the access scopes, which defines what the Hive will be able to use from your zoom account. We have listed the required ones in these screenshots.

Now as long as you completed all the fields as instructed, you will be able to activate the App and use it with your hive.

Now you can copy the credentials to your Hive


"Meeting SDK" App on Zoom

Now, let's create the "Meeting SDK" App. This one allows the Hive to start a meeting from the web browser.

Go to , if you aren't logged in you will need to login to your zoom account first and then return to that link.

Select Create under "Meeting SDK"

Done and Test

Now that you have set the "Server-to-Server OAuth" App and a "Meeting SDK" App credentials, you can test the zoom connection. Click the "Test Zoom Connection", make sure you can start and join the test meeting.

If that works and you selected which calendar/schedule elements to use with zoom, you are ready to use zoom.



Class Setup:

With the Zoom feature now enabled, you can choose to edit your current class schedule to switch an existing class to virtual or create a new virtual class. 


Step1) From your admin dashboard go to Schedule >> Schedule Classes >> Select an Existing Class or Add A New Class


Step 2) From the Class Edit Screen, go to Virtual/Video Class and select Zoom. Click Save when ready. 


Step 3) When you're ready to start your virtual class you will go to Schedule >> Schedule Classes >> Select the Class from the Schedule >> Start/Join Zoom. Please note that you will only be able to start Zoom within 30 mins from the scheduled start time of the class. 

**MOBILE AUDIO PREFERENCES: If you're using a mobile device to live stream your class and would prefer to use the internet connection for audio instead of dialing in with the default phone number you'll need to click on the yellow Zoom App button, open up the Zoom app, then select "Call using Internet Audio." 

Member Access:

Your members will be able to access the virtual class directly from the member app or by logging into your website from a computer. They will register for the class through the app or website like normal, then once registered will have the option to "Join Virtual." As mentioned above, members will only be able to Join Virtual within 30 mins from the scheduled start of the class time. 


You can also generate a sharable link to send once the zoom session has started by clicking the Invite button.



You have now successfully created a virtual class from your Hive with Zoom.  

Note that there is an option for members as well as admins to click Zoom App to go directly to the zoom app. This is not necessary but will increase the resolution if desired. 


Category > Section:Business Management >Schedule