
Add a Class

How to add a class to your class schedule

To add a class to your schedule:


Step 1 - Click Schedule >> Schedule Classes >> and click and drag to highlight the time on the calendar you would like to add the class.


Step 2 - Select the class you wish to add to your class schedule


Step 3 - If your defaults for this class are correct, click the blue "Create 1 time(s) w/defaults."



 A pop-up will come up to let you know that a class was created successfully.



If you wish to create a class but need to change some of the class defaults follow the steps below:

Repeat Steps 1-3 - From above

Step 5 - Clicking the orange Customize box will allow you to change the default setting for this 1 class.



Step 6 - Form this screen you can make any changes need and once you have the class ready click Save to add this class to the calendar. 



Once the class is saved you will see a green pop-up at the top of the screen that says "Created Event"



As always, please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. 


Category > Section:Business Management >Schedule