
How to copy a range of appointment dates

How to extended out your current Appointment schedule.

Step 1 -

To access this update from your admin dashboard go to Schedule >> Manage Appointments


Step 2 -

Click Copy Range


Step 3 -

  1. In the first set of calendar boxes, you will want to select the date range you wish to copy. In the first box select the day you wish to start your range copy on. In the second box, you will want to select the end date of the range copy. You can copy a maximum of 31 days at a time. Please keep in mind that this will copy every class in that date range.
  2. In the next set of boxes, you will want to set the date range for where you want the copied date range to be.  In the first calendar, you will want to select the date where you want to start the copied-out range. The system will automatically set the second calendar end date based on how many days you copied in the first set of calendars. ( ie: if you copied 7 days it will extend out 7 days. If copied 2 weeks it will extend out 14 days.)
  3. The Blue message below the second set of calendars will show you what date range you selected to copy. The yellow message is a warning reminding you that this will copy all classes selected and that if you have a mistake you will need to manually delete those classes. You will need to check the box next to 'I confirm the above date range to copy' in order to continue. Once you check the box it will bring up a Blue 'Execute Copy' button. You will want to click this button.


Step 4 -

You have now copied out the selected class range. You will see a green box at the top of the page confirming the dates you have copied out.


As always, please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. 


Category > Section:Business Management >Schedule