
Bulk Schedule Update

You can use the bulk update feature to make changes to all future classes at once.

Bulk Schedule Update


You can use the bulk update feature to make changes to all future classes at once. From your admin dashboard go to Schedule >> Schedule Classes >> Bulk Update >> Choose a Criteria/Search to Match Class Times option >> Choose What should be changed? (See screenshots below for bulk update capabilities) 



You have 4 options to choose from for your search criteria to find which class(es) to update, Date Range, Time of day Range, Specific ClassInstructor




The next screen is where you choose what bulk change to happen. Choose from Class, Instructor, Signup Threshold, Cancellation Threshold, Maximum Attendees, Price, Members Only, Members No Charge, Waitlist Enabled, Private Event 



This next screen will show you how many classes are going to be updated. You can also modify your search criteria or what is being changed from this screen prior to selecting Confirm Review / Proceed. 




Select Yes, execute change when you're ready to make the bulk update. 



Your bulk schedule update has now been completed. Each update you will Clear Current and Start New



As always, please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. 


Category > Section:Business Management >Schedule