Point of Sale

POS Settings

From the Dashboard menu, select 'Settings' near the bottom of the menu to the left of the page.

From there, click on 'General Settings' at the top of the options menu.

Scroll down to the bottom of the 'General Settings' page to where you see 'POS Settings'. 

Enter your state's current tax rate as a decimal, not percent.

Select 'Yes' or 'No' for whether you want all checkouts to require the user to enter an employee pin number to purchase items.


Select 'Yes' or 'No' for the options for guest checkout, whether you want to allow the purchaser to pay with cash, and then whether or not you'd like a pin to be required for those cash checkouts.

Choose whether you want to enable custom sales and whether or not those would require a pin. (These are helpful if you think you might need to be able to charge for miscellaneous items.) Once done, click the orange 'Save' button at the bottom (or side) of the page.


Category > Section:Business Management >Point of Sale