
Member Check-In

The Check-In feature allows you to keep members accountable by setting a day/time for them to make required inputs such as measurements, maxes, photos and custom questions to answer.

Member Check-In

This feature has a lot of components so we'll break it into three sections: Setup, Admin Use, Member Use 



To enable check-ins, from your admin dashboard go to Settings >> Checkins >> Select Checkins Enabled. 




Checkins has now been enabled to use. 


Admin Use 

Once Check-Ins is enabled you can create a new Check-In form from two different places. You can go through settings or directly from your Checkins tab under fitness. 


Create a Check-Ins Form 

Creating a check-in form is the first step to engage with your members. This is where you'll set the requirements for your member interaction. On your admin dashboard go to Settings >> Check-Ins >> Add Check-In Form





The second option is from your admin dashboard go to Fitness >> Check-Ins >> Select Looking to edit check-in form >> Add Check-In Form





Once you've created a form, fill out each section you are going to require for the Check-In. Create a Name, Measurements, Maxes/PRs,  Progress Photo, Additional Questions. Each of these sections is not required for a single Check-In Form so you can choose what you'd like to include. 





Progress Photo

Additional Questions



Once a form is created you can now add a member to the Check-In Form. From your admin dashboard go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> Search or Select User >> Records >> Check-Ins >> Edit Check-In Configuration






Admin Check-In Follow Up


Once you've created your check-in forms and assigned them to your members you can review them as they are due. From your admin dashboard go to Fitness >> Checkins. 



When check-in is highlighted red you know it has not yet been reviewed. The status column will tell you if it is open or if it is in a "Needs Review" status. Clicking the desired check-in will take you to the review screen. 









Member Access


Currently, members will be able to access the check-in by logging into their account from your website. We'll soon be updating access to check-ins through your gyms app. From their profile, they will see an alert pop up to check-in. 








For any additional questions, please see our support library or email us at

Category > Section:Fitness & Nutrition >Fitness