
Cropping Files Using the File Manager

How to edit a file saved to your hive.

In addition to uploading files directly into the file manager, any image added to a webpage or blog post is automatically added to the file manager as well. Within the file manager, any photo can be reformatted, resized, or cropped to better fit a particular place within a website page.

File Manager

To access your files, go to your FitHive dashboard and click Manage Files/Images under Website.


From the list of files, select one you would like to edit and click the blue edit button below the photo. You will be directed to a page where you can edit the file. 


To Crop

Several options for cropping an image are available. 

The 'Free' option allows you full range of motion to crop an image how you see fit; for instance, if you would like to crop out a specific object or person.



The blue border in the following images indicates where a photo would be cropped using the standard dimensions selected from above. 


 1:1 - Square   


16:9 - Wide         


31:9 - SuperWide 


4:3 - Rectangle


2:3 - Tall

If you choose from the set dimensions above, you will still have the ability to click and drag the image to select which part of the photo you would like to include.


As always, please feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. 




Category > Section:Business Management >Website