
Class Templates 2/2

We are now at the screen where you can set all of the options associated with your class.  Please follow along with the descriptions of the options and set up your class accordingly.


Name - The name that is displayed on the schedule

Type - The type of class (Yoga, Cross-Training, etc.)  You can create your types by clicking the Edit/configure class types link. For now, just select "General" as your class type. 

Active - Checking the box means the event will display on your public schedule

Instructor -  The instructor of the class

Time - When the class starts

Duration/length - How long the class will be

Signup Threshold - Sets the cut-off time for when clients will be able to sign-up for the class

Cancellation Threshold - How close to the start time a client can remove themselves from the class

Maximum Attendees - The maximum amount of clients allowed into the class (leaving the value "0" will set no class limit) 

Price - Cost of the class to non-members (leaving the value at "0' will make the class available for free)  

Members Only - Checking this box means that only members with an active membership can enroll 

Members No Charge - Checking this box allows active members to signup for the class for free 

Waitlist Enabled - Checking this box will enable a waitlist for your members to sign up for if the class has reached its max registrants

Private Event - Checking this box will remove the class from the publicly viewable schedule; you will have to manually add users to classes that are private events

Virtual/Video Class Default - If Jitsi/Zoom is enabled in your Hive, this will create a link for you to live-stream the class to class registrants


Once the class settings are correct, click the orange Save button at the bottom.

Congratulations!  You have just set up your first class.

Category > Section:Onboarding Checklist >Onboarding