Nutrition Overview

Apr 15, 2020

 by Sunny S.

The single most important variable in changing body composition is nutrition. A large percentage of your results are going to come from your nutrition choices. Some diets aren’t sustainable and lead to a poor relationship with food and body image. Our chief aim is to tailor a nutrition plan for you that is:

  • Sustainable
    You should be able to continue improving your body composition without drastic highs and lows.
  • Enjoyable
    Who wants to live in a world where you’re not allowed an occasional slice of pizza or cake?
  • Effective
    If it doesn’t work, why do it? We aim to get you the best results as quickly as possible. Consistency and patience are key on this journey. More on that later.

Proper nutrition will yield results beyond what you see in the mirror. Your brain function will improve. You will have more sustainable energy. Your overall quality of life will improve. Your workouts will be more satisfying.

These plans are a change in the way you live - for the better. Commit now to changing the way you eat and view food. Commit to this lifestyle change. Patience and consistency will yield what you want.

Nutrition is not one size fits all. Everyone knows a person that can eat fast-food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and stay lean and muscular. Our bodies are unique and respond differently to food. Our aim is to offer a nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle.

Flexible Dieting

Some of our plans are flexible dieting plans. This means we will tell you how much to eat based on macronutrients (Macros). Macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The reason it’s called flexible dieting is that you are allowed to eat anything you want as long as it fits into your macronutrient goals for the day. We discuss macronutrients in detail in the “macronutrients explained” section of every plan.

This will give you a set amount of macronutrients to eat every day based on your goal, and that number will not vary much from day to day. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you will be eating at a caloric deficit (eat less calories than your body requires for maintenance) every day.

Carbohydrate Cycling (Carb Cycling)

Some of our plans are carb cycling plans. Carb cycling is a style of flexible dieting where you restrict carbohydrates on some days to allow for higher carbs on other days.

Why is this awesome!?

We love carb cycling for many reasons. The biggest reason is that it allows you to be less “spot on” with your macros and still get amazing results. Also, once you’ve got the hang of counting macros, it’s very easy to carb cycle and stay on track without counting anything. That’s what this is all about! Learning about food, what works best for you, and setting yourself up for success for the rest of your life!

Also, unlike traditional flexible dieting, carb cycling will require you to eat different amounts of calories every day. You will cycle between high-calorie days and low calorie days. A lot of our clients love this because it’s easier to wrap their heads around the idea of being calorically restricted one day and having the flexibility to eat whatever they want the next day. Yes! You can lose weight rapidly and be able to eat foods you love on a regular basis!

Counting Macros

No matter what plan you choose, you will still be counting macros if you are a beginner. It’s very important to learn about what foods contain different macronutrients. This really is the only way to find long term success. If you are educated on how much protein, carbohydrates, and fats are in the foods you eat, your chance of long term success goes through the roof!

Tracking your macros perfectly forever is no way to live your life. It’s not realistic and we know this! We find that 2-3 months is the sweet spot for people to learn enough about food to start eating intuitively (stay on a plan but estimate your macros). If you have extreme goals like getting sub 5-8%(men) - 11-14%(women) - body fat, you will most likely need to count macros to achieve a goal like this. But achieving or maintaining 8-10%(men) - 14-17%(women) - Is completely reasonable through intuitive eating.

To be continued...