New Features/Updates July 2024

Jul 10, 2024

 by Donny J.

This post covers the next round of new FitHive features, updates and improvements for July 2024. 


New Features/Updates


Course Builder

We're excited to roll out our brand-new Course Builder! Easy to use, this gives you the option to create online courses to offer to your members and leads, as well as the option to provide training/education for instructors/employees. Offering online courses allows you to provide convenient access to expert (you) guidance, enabling your members to improve their wellness from anywhere. They offer flexible scheduling, potentially allowing members to integrate both workouts and health education into their lives. Plus, they're a great way to generate additional revenue for your business. Please check out the Course Builder support article to learn more. 


Stripe Card Terminals & Self Manage Settings


Another new feature we're extremely excited about is the new option to integrate select Stripe card readers to your Hive. This allows you to physically swipe credit/debit cards in person, which can be used to process POS purchases and to add/update user card info in their account. It is extremely important to note that as of the writing of this support blog that the only two available card terminals compatible with your Hive are the BBPOS WisePOS E and Stripe Reader S700

We've also added self-manage options as part of this specific update, which gives you to ability to edit your Stripe connection and ACH configuration. However, please note that if your current Stripe configuration is edited incorrectly that it can cause issues that will prevent your Hive from being able to process payments, so if you're ever unsure about any of the settings/process please reach out to prior to making any changes so we run through them together. Please review the Stripe Settings support article for full details. 


Pay Links: URL Redirects

This update gives you the option to add URL redirects to Pay Links, which will redirect users to the selected web page after their payment has been processed. To learn more, please check out the updated Pay Links support article. 


FB Lead Import

We've updated the FB Connection (FB lead import) to automatically skip users that don't provide an email when submitting their info through a FB lead form ad. Prior to this update, this would cause the FB import to fail since email addresses are the unique identifier required to create a lead profile in your Hive. However, it's important to remember that you should only be connecting FB lead form ads that require users to provide their email to your Hive in order for them to be imported. 


Instructor App/Page: Adding Private Classes to Schedule

We've updated the ability for classes being added to the schedule through the instructor app/page to include the Private Event configuration from the default class settings. Prior to this update, only admins had the ability to add private classes to the schedule; when an instructor added a class to the schedule through the instructor app/page it would skip the private configuration from the default class settings and make the class public. However, please note that this update does not give instructors the ability to edit the class privacy setting itself, it simply pulls this from the default class settings. 


New Filter in People CRM: View Everyone 

We've added an additional option to the search/filter in your CRM, which allows you to search for "Only Un-Archived" users. This was added to provide additional accuracy when using the Active filter, since the "Any" option includes both archived and un-archived users. To access, go to People (CRM) >> View Everyone >> then select "Only Un-Archived" from the Active dropdown. 


We still have tons of new features and updates planned for 2024 and truly appreciate your continued feedback/suggestions as we continue to improve our platform. If you have any feature requests of your own, please feel free to submit them in the Feature Request portal. You can also reach out to if you have additional questions on any of the new updates or features. As always, thanks for being a part of the FitHive Family!