FitHive Feature Updates - Nov 2023

Oct 18, 2023

 by Donny J.

This support blog will highlight the existing and new features that have been updated/launched on this round of FitHive updates. 


Save Searches in People (CRM): View Everyone

This update to the search tool in People (CRM): View Everyone gives you the option to save and share your most used searches with other admins. Prior to this update, the search tool only had the option to load the last filter that was run, but you can now save as many as you like, which can be useful to those who run searches with the same filters on a regular basis. Please check out the updated Performing a Search in People (CRM): View Everyone support article to learn more. 

User Profile Pic on Class Roster

This new udpate, if enabled, will show the profile pic for all registered users on a class roster, so other members, instructors, and admins can put a face to the names of the users attending the class. Profile pics will be displayed on the public signup page for the class (online and through the member app), as well as on the class registrant list from the instructor and admin views. Please check out the How to Enable Class Roster Profile Pics support article to learn more. 


Payment Receipt/History 

This simple update hard coded your business/organization name to the Payment Receipt Automation and User Payment History. This was added due to numerous requests for those that have members who submit their membership payments to their insurance for reimbursement. Since this is hard coded, it will automatically be included in both the Payment Receipt Automation and User Payment History as long as both are enabled in your Hive. 


Payroll - Amount Paid Per Class

This new update gives you the option to require at least 1 checked-in user for the Amount Paid Per Class setting in Payroll. If enabled, this will zero out the amount owed to the instructor assigned to a class that didn't record any checked-in users for it when you run a payroll report. Please feel free to check out the Instructor Payroll/Timeclock Overview for a refresher on how to set up payroll. 



Class Waitlist Auto-Enroll

Just as the name sounds, this new feature gives you the option to have your Hive auto-enroll eligible users on a waitlist into the corresponding class. Please check out the Class Waitlist Auto-Enroll support article to learn more. 


User Class/Attendance History Export

We've added the option for users to view and export their class/attendance history directly from their online profile, which can be useful for the members that need to submit their gym attendance to their insurance providers or other health programs they're participating in. Please check out the User Class/Attendance History support article to learn more. 



Class Edit: Single Restriction Error

This hot fix addressed a small bug in the Membership Only and Members No Charge class settings that caused an error when users attempted to select which membership type they want to apply towards their class settings. This only affected users attempting to register to classes with a single membership type selected as the "restrict to" to either of these settings, but has now been fixed. 


Last Modified By 

This hot fix addressed a bug that was inputting out dated admin info in the "Last modified by" record in a user's profile. For example, if an admin set up a user with a membership but then that admin's account was deactivated, they would still show up as "Last Modified By" in the user's profile when the membership renewed or ended. This fix now prevents that from happening moving forward. 



  • Family/Sub-Accounts: ability to set up sub-accounts and link them to primary user
  • One-time Payment Links: generate payment links from your Hive for one-off purchases
  • Payroll Update: add option for payroll report to exclude payment for classes that have zero attendees



  • Calendar Integrations: integrate with Google and Apple calendars. 
  • Recurring Class Registrations: ability to set up users/members with recurrent class registrations
  • User Payment History Export: allow users to export their payment history from their online profile
  • Membership Contract Downloads: ability for admins and users to download membership contracts
  • Availability Based Scheduling: instead of setting individual class times, you'll have the option to set up time blocks that will automatically update availability once a session has been booked. This will be great for personal training availability, as well as services such as body comp testing, hot/cold therapy, massage, etc.


We truly appreciate your feedback and suggestions as we continue to improve our platform. If you have any feature requests of your own, please feel free to submit them in the Feature Request portal. You can also reach out to if you have additional questions on any of the new updates or features. As always, thanks for being a part of the FitHive Family!